Want 1 easy secret to become super you?
The secret is to express gratitude.

1 easy secret to become super you: Learn the Attitude of gratitude

Want 1 easy secret to become super you? Learn how by unlocking this surprising secret. It is to develop an attitude of gratitude.

Psychologists have long determined that gratitude is linked to enhanced well-being. It promotes social, emotional and psychological well-being. There are many health benefits associated with being thankful. Therefore, developing an attitude of gratitude is definitely a desirable trait.

So what is gratitude?

An attitude of gratitude is an expression of appreciation and thankfulness to another’s kindness.

Surprisingly, this 1 easy secret to become super you is determined by taking into account that something good and beneficial has happened. And someone is responsible for the occurrence. The attitude of gratitude dictates that the person or persons should receive credit for the happening. Therefore, giving thanks should extend to individuals as well as the divine.

The Why of the “1 Easy Secret to become Super You”

Certainly, this one easy secret to become super you recognizes the time, effort and care that the giver has invested in the good things that we receive. Even though, gratitude can involve your feeling, an attitude is much deeper. It is not superficial and can be described as a trait. That is to say, regardless of whether you feel grateful or not, you can develop the habit of demonstrating gratitude to others.blog

How to show the “1 Easy Secret to Become Super You”

Surely, this one easy secret to become super you involves show and tell. On the individual level, you can express appreciation to parents, extended family, friends, acquaintances, teachers, coaches, health care professionals and even strangers.

You can express thanks in may different ways. Here are some methods you can practice at the individual level.

  • Leave notes of thanks to spouses and children; let them know how much you appreciate them and their giving.
  • Send letters and or cards expressing thanks to people who have been influential in your life. For example, teachers, coaches, health care professionals and extended family
  • Pay a gratitude visit to someone you have not seen for sometime. Maybe, someone from your past who had been very good to you.
  • Perform acts of kindness to reciprocate kindness to others.

Similarly, there are many ways to express thanks to God. There are many biblical verses that call our attention to giving thanks to God because he is our creator. Furthermore, he is the giver of all good things to us. The psalmist states that “it is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord (Ps. 92:1). Here are some other notable scriptures:

  • “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of gods. His love endures forever. Give thanks to the Lord” (Ps. 136:1-3)
  • “Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind…” (Ps. 107:15)
  • “Now , our God, we give you thanks and praise your glorious name… everything comes from you…” (1Chron. 29:13-14)

The following are some of the ways You can give thanks to God:pastorrick.com

  • Through prayer
  • By practical acts of kindness to those in need
  • By financial donations
  • By volunteering at charitable organizations and at faith organizations
  • By visiting the sick, infirmed, orphans and widows and those who are shut-in and experience difficulty getting out.

In conclusion, this one easy secret to become super you results in tremendous benefits to you individually and to the broader society. Consequently, you should make haste to put it into daily practice.