key 4 – to become super you

The greatest is love

Live Love.

Love is universal. It is an eternal virtue.

Psychologists have determined that everyone needs to be loved, appreciated and validated. Love is to be expressed to family and others in both words and deed.

It is stunning to note that the Bible declares that God is love. God is also the supreme giver of love. Therefore, we are created by love, we are created in love to be loved and to give love. Love never fails. Among the three eternal virtues. Love is the greatest. These “three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love” (1Cor. 13:13).

Love is a gift from God. It is produced in your inner being and flows outward to others. God is always giving us love. Check out these examples: “God so loved the world and he gave…,” “God lavished his love upon us and call us his children,” And we have come to know and believe the love that God has for us…” (Jn. 3:16, 1 Jn. 3, 1 Jn. 4:16).

The first and greatest commandment is to love God. And the second is similar, “love your neighbor as yourself” (Mk. 12:30-31). This command is called the royal law as it is decreed by the king of the universe, God in Christ. Love does his neighbor no harm (Rom. 13:10).

Who is my neighbor, you may ask? Jesus answered this question during his life on earth. Check out his answer in the Bible in Luke 10:29-37.

Here’s the summation: The human family is your neighbor. Not just those who live next door. Everyone who you encounter in your daily life. You are being neighborly when you offer kindness, respect, acceptance and being non-judgemental to them.

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Love is a decision. It can be associated with wonderful feelings. But even if you are not experiencing the feelings, choose to love. Act lovingly. Humans thrive on love. Give love generously and it will be multiplied in return to you.

Love God in response to his great love for you. Bask in his love. Let it saturate your entire being. Give love to God through worship, adoration and devotion. His love releases his blessings to you.

Love yourself. Be kind and gracious to yourself. Share your love with others. Express your love to your family through words of adoration warmth and devotion. Demonstrate your love by acts of kindness and care.

When you live love, you are of God. You inhabit the supernatural and become super you.