3 Unlimited- Launching Your Genius; Know How to? explains that everyone wants to be considered a genius! It evokes a sense of expertise. You have that feeling that you are an expert either generally or in a specific area.
This post will show you the 3 unlimited virtues to launching your genius. And becoming all you were created to be.
You are a genius because you are created in the image and likeness of God. He is the supreme genius. You are imbued with his divine nature when you believe in Jesus as savior and Lord. Act now and launch your genius!
Table of Contents
3 Unlimited- Launching Your Genius; Know How to? What’s your genius
So is everyone a genius? Absolutely yes. That’s because you have skills or abilities that are uniquely yours. You received it from your heavenly Father. You are created in his image and likeness. He is the absolute genius. Maker and creator of the heaven and earth and all people and all things. Most definitely, you are a genius!
You may not have considered yourself to be a genius or that you have the qualities. Because important people in your life might have thought and spoken differently about you. And so you internalized such opinions and believed them. As a result, you may have been living in an inferior manner contrary to who you really are.
Now it’s time to change your perspective. Believe and understand who you are. If you are a child of God, you have the same ability and powers he has. You are a partaker of his divine nature. It’s time to launch your genius. 9 INCREDULOUS FASCINATING MYSTERIES; KNOW HOW TO
The 3 Unlimited-Launching Your Genius; Know How to: The Names
The three unlimited we are talking about are: Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding. These are components of God’s character. That means they are inherent in his person. Therefore, he bestows these virtues to his children. He used them to play a role in creating the beautiful, majestic world we inhabit. All of God’s gifts to us are to give him glory. And to bless us so that we can share his goodness with others.
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom (Prov. 4:7). It is a gift from God. He is all wise. Wisdom and power belong to him (Dan 2: 20-23). He called wisdom into existence to aid him in creation.
- Wisdom
Wisdom is the ability to use knowledge. There are two types of wisdom. One type which is called “worldly wisdom”. And is gained from daily living. While the other is termed “wisdom from heaven” (Jas 3:17). And is received by revelation from God. billygraham.org
Wisdom is vital to successful living. The first time we heard about wisdom is from God. Here’s how he described his relationship with wisdom. He called the virtue of wisdom into existence to aid him in creation. He used the attribute of wisdom to establish the boundaries of the sea. And, to set the boundaries of the earth (Prov. 8). Thus with God “are wisdom and might; to him belongs counsel and understanding (Job 12:13). Consequently, God highly values a life governed by wisdom.
Firstly, to love and reverence God is the beginning of wisdom. It is not an elusive quality. Certainly it calls to us in our daily lives to listen and take heed. Possessing wisdom delivers both spiritual and practical benefits. Secondly, from knowing God will flow the practical benefits. Thereby enabling us to have the right spiritual and practical balance in our lives.
Take for example Solomon. God gave him incredible wisdom. He was wise to surround himself with good men as governors and advisors (1 Kings 4:1-19). Through his wisdom he gained tremendous influence with world leaders. And some even travelled to hear his wise words. (1 Kings 10:4-5).
What’s more, he used the gift of wisdom to accomplish amazing things. These include: the building of the spectacular first temple (1 Kings 5:6); He wrote manuals in botany, describing animals, birds, insects and fish (1 Kings 4:33-34). And he carried out true justice (1 Kings 3:16-28).
Yet Solomon with all his impressive accomplishments was not the greatest. Jesus said, “a greater than Solomon is here” (Matt. 12:42). He was referring to himself. For in Jesus are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col. l. 2:3). God chose the gospel – the message of the cross to save those who will believe. This demonstrated his sovereign wisdom. Which is in great contrast to worldly wisdom that considers the message of the gospel foolishness (1 Cor. 1:21-25).
Here are some of the practical benefits you derive when you launch your genius:
- To Equip you: It allows you to develop your skills and abilities to have maximum influence and impact in your personal and professional life. As well as in the society at large.
- Release of Power: God gives power through the use of wisdom to create wealth. Surely, he does this so that you are blessed. In addition, you are to become a channel of blessing to others.
- Wise Decisions: Wisdom allows you to make wise decisions in your family at home, work and socially. Therefore, you can enjoy rich and enduring relationships.
- Health and Well–being: It allows you to take care to preserve your health. You will make wise choices to have restful sleep; to eat healthy meals and to regularly exercise.
- Favor: Wisdom gives you favor with God and man. Favor leads to good success, prosperity and longevity.
- Knowledge
Today, there is vast amount of knowledge in the world. Indeed, there are two kinds of knowledge. Information and skills achieved through education and life experience. Then there is the knowledge gained from God by revelation from the Bible.
Although God desires for everyone to know him, yet not everyone does. This is contrary to God’s loving nature. For he knows us individually and wants us to know him intimately. When we know him, we are able to receive from him” all that pertains to life and godliness” (2 Pet. 1:3). Also we can boast in our knowledge of him (Jer. 9:24). Of a fact, to know God is the highest form of knowledge we can attain.
We launch our genius as we “grow in grace and the knowledge of God. For “he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning” (Dan. 2:21).
The Lord is all knowing. That means his knowledge is limitless. Nothing in all creation is outside his knowledge. By his knowledge the deeps were broken open and the clouds dripped with dew (Prov. 3:20).
- Understanding
Understanding is the ability to comprehend what something is and how it works. It allows us to process and interpret information. God by “his understanding and skill stretched out the heavens” (prov. 3:19).
God is the source of understanding (Job 28:12; 28:20; 28:23). We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we know him who is true (1 Jn. 5:20). Upon Jesus was the spirit of wisdom and understanding; the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord (Isa. 11:2). Also, we can boast in our understanding of God (Jer. 9:24).
God’s understanding is vast and limitless. It is “unsearchable”. He has complete clarity concerning all matters. From God’s mouth come knowledge and understanding (Prov. 2)
In all your getting, get understanding (Prov. 4:7).
3 Unlimited – Launching Your Genius; Know How to? How to Possess the 3 Unlimited
Our God is proactive. Certainly he knew that we would need wisdom. He was the one envisioned it and brought it into existence. He has one requirement for receiving. We should ask him in faith. That is, believing that he is willing and ready to give all good gifts to us, his children. Listen, “anyone who lacks wisdom can ask God, who gives it generously to all and does not find fault” (Jas. 1:15).
Here’s the “know how to” list:
- Get to know God. We get to know God by sincere belief in Jesus as savior and Lord. We believe his words and live in obedience to him.
- Ask God. There’s a prayer to God “to give you complete knowledge of his will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding” (Col. 1:9-14). You can just personalize this prayer. Another example is Solomon. He asked God for an ” understanding heart to judge the people and discern between good and evil” (1 Kings 3:3). God was pleased and granted his request.
- Expectation. When you ask, by faith expect to receive your request from God.
- Give thanks. You give thanks to God, even before you receive the petition. This is a sure action of faith. It is the certainty that God will grant your request because he has promised it in his word.
- Launch. Begin by using the gift and ability you have. Every child of God has one or more gifts and abilities. You will grow and develop and become the genius you were created to be.
The 3 unlimited- wisdom , knowledge and understanding are essential to launching your genius. There are two kinds of wisdom and knowledge. They are contrasted. One is described as “worldly” and the other from heaven by ‘revelation’ from the Bible. God’s wisdom is superior to the wisdom of the world.
It is necessary to know God to possess his wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Then you will have to ask him to activate it. Also, you will need to have great expectation, give thanks and be ready to launch.
God used these 3 unlimited to design the beauty and order of creation. They are a part of his inherent character. As his child you are a partaker of his nature. And he wants you to operate in all his gifts to give him glory and demonstrate his love and goodness.
Solomon is an example of a person who God gave exceptional wisdom. And he used it to do amazing feats. However, Jesus is greater than Solomon. He is the epitome of wisdom , knowledge and understanding.
Wisdom releases both spiritual and practical benefits. You are blessed when you acquire wisdom. And you are required to be a channel of blessing to others.
By being equipped with these three unlimited, you are ready to launch your genius. And be all that you were created to be.