Life is all around us, filled with colour, scent, sound and beauty. God is the creator of beauty and all other things.
Spiritual life is a reality. It surpasses the physical in beauty, majesty and splendor.
1 Astonishing Massive Simple Uninvite states that when an event of significance is happening, we often times want to be invited. From simple social events like the birth of a child and the shower, a school event, a party, a church affair all the way to events that celebrate celebrities and royalty. We want to be up close to the experience, enjoy the thrill of being present and all the excitement that goes with it.
Today with technological advancement, we can attend events that celebrate celebrities and royalty from the confines of our home. Take for example, the marriages of recent royals; millions were glued to their television for the duration of the broadcast.
And what about the celebrity award shows? And the super bowl? The networks boom with the blockbuster increase in viewership.
But ordinary people would not receive an invite to many of these occasions. For one thing many of these events are costly. Only the rich and famous could afford to attend in many cases! If it were not for our television sets many of us would completely be excluded.
Yet there is one great marriage that we are all invited to. All free of cost! And one great uninvite event that we should shun at all cost.
This post will look at the great uninvite. And the elaborate marriage that we are all invited to. It will show you how to honor the uninvite. And how to receive the invite and be catapulted into your best life ever.
Table of Contents
1 Astonishing Massive Simple Uninvite: What’s the Uninvite?
Here’s a warning! “No entry.” Therefore if you enter you do so at your own risk. This place is off limits to you.
In the Bible, there is one event we are not invited to! As the warning from the image shows, if we enter we do so at our own risk. This event is eternal separation from God in a fiery place prepared for the enemy and his followers (Matt. 25:41).
Take note: You are not invited! Jesus uses this metaphor to issue this caution, “The gate is large and the road is wide that lead to death. Many will go that way” (Matt. 7:13). Why? This uninvite is a way of life that is easy and filled with lures and enticements. It offers great promises but in the end will fail to deliver. “The worries of this life, the lure of wealth and the desires for other things…tempt us down this path (Mk. 4:19).
In fact, it’s a deceptive path. Don’t be deceived.
Don’t be one of the many. It is a real place. It has been prepared! But not for you. So there is no valid reason for you to enter there. Not even one.
Maybe some people desire to go where they are not invited for various reasons. It could be because they feel envious of those who are invited. They may feel rejected and isolated that they are not included. And they may think that there is fun and excitement at play and they are missing out.
But whatever the reason, you do well to honor this uninvite. There is no provision made for you in this place. The conditions may appear attractive now, but its not worth the price you will have to pay eternally.
You will not be treated well. It is a place of endless torment and suffering!
You don’t want that. We have had enough. We want freedom. So let’s move on to where we are invited and check out all the wonderful and exciting provisions that’s made for us there.
1 Astonishing Massive Simple Uninvite: What’s the Invite?
Welcome! ” you who are blessed of my Father, enter the kingdom prepared for you before the foundation of the world’ (Matt. 25:34). 1 RARE IRRESISTIBLE TREASURE TROVE – KNOW HOW TO?
Jesus gave a parable regarding the invitation to the great wedding, the Father prepared for his son. He often used parables to teach spiritual realities about the Kingdom of God. They were simple and familiar stories that served a dualistic purpose. On the one hand, they opened the understanding of those receptive to spiritual truths and on the other hand, they concealed these truths from those whose minds were closed.
The father in the parable is God, the Father. The son represent Jesus. The wedding feast symbolizes the Kingdom of God. And the people stands for all the people of the world.
Jesus likened the kingdom of God to a wedding feast to which all people are invited. He said, “The wedding is ready…go therefore to the intersections of the highways, and as many as you may find, invite to the wedding feast. Those servants went out into the highways and gathered together as many as they found, both bad and good. The wedding was filled with guests (Matt. 22:1-14).
Indeed the passage highlights the inclusivity of the invitation. No one is excluded. The requirements that are necessary for us to be invited to royal events are completely non existent here. These include, race. Ethnicity. Skin colour. Economic status. Wealth and riches. Family alliance. Educational status. Lack of these worldly entitlements do not disqualify anyone.
In fact, the heavenly King desires you to attend the wedding. You are a special guest. You are loved and valued. He wants you in a prominent place at the ceremony. To enjoy all the pomp and pageantry that it entails. “Eyes have not seen or ears heard, nor has it entered in the heart of people all the things that God has planned for all those who love him” (1 Cor. 2:9).
For in the mind of the heavenly King, all people are equal. No race or culture is superior to another. All people are made in the image and likeness of the King. All are descendants of the first family, Adam and Eve.
1 Astonishing Massive Simple Uninvite: Do I Have to Choose?
But you have to choose to accept the invitation and attend the ceremony. In the parable many of the invitees declined the invitation. They put forth many reasons why they could not attend. It is unthinkable that one would refuse the invite of the King.
However, you have a choice. The King does not force or coerce you. He allows you to make an informed decision based on his love, mercy, grace, goodness and kindness. When you choose to receive the invite it shows that you are reciprocating his love for you.
1 Astonishing Massive Simple Uninvite takes as an example, Moses, the great liberator of the Hebrews. He chose to reject the privileges afforded him by being adopted in Egyptian royalty. Instead he chose to identify with his Hebrew brothers and sisters experiencing slavery. He chose to refuse his royal status. And the pleasures and wealth he could enjoy. This is because he valued the reward of eternity with Christ above these temporary material gains (Ex. 2:11-15; Heb. 11:24-26)
Here’s the account: “By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter. He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin. He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his eternal reward” (Heb. 11:24-26).
Moses had to make a choice. So will you. He weighed the temporary against the eternal. He made his choice based on eternal realities. We are called to do the same. “For the things we see are temporal; but the things we cannot see are eternal” (2 Cor. 4:18).
Moses made a wise decision. Even though at the time he did not have this knowledge. Because although he refused Egyptian royalty, he will still be royalty. For he is identified with the supreme King, King of Kings and Lord of Lords-Jesus Christ (1 Tim. 6:15; Rev. 19:16).
When you choose to receive the invite, you will be united with royalty. Immediately you will become the King’s child. Heirs with God and joint-heirs with Jesus. For “you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light” (1 Pet. 2:9).
And as a child of the King, we are to practice the “royal law.” This refers to the supreme law enjoined by Christ our King. The law is to “love our neighbor as ourselves” which accomplishes all the other commands that cover interpersonal relationships. For love does no harm to its neighbor (Jas. 2:8; Rm. 13:8-10).
So choose to receive the invite and begin to enjoy your best life now and forever.
1 Astonishing Massive Simple Uninvite: How To Receive the Invite?
“The kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe the good news” (Mk. 1:15). It entails the blessings and good gifts from the heavenly King to you.
Here’s the How To:
- 1. Repent: It simply means to change your mind. It is clear that you have the ability to change your mind about a course of action. So what should you change your mind about? You should change your mind about the wrong things you were told or thought about the heavenly King. Why? Right thoughts and belief put you in right standing with the heavenly King.
- 2. Believe the Gospel. It is the good news about the heavenly King’s love for you. He expressed his love by sending his Son, Jesus, to rescue you from the adversary, sin and death. And give you the gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus.
- 3. Receive Jesus. Say to Jesus, I believe in my heart that you died a substitutionary death for me. And that God raised you from the dead. I now accept you as my Savior and Lord. Amen.
- 4. Confess: Share your acceptance of the invitation with others. Share that you believe and receive Jesus. Sharing is beneficial to you and others. It helps to strength your faith and the faith of others.
- 5. Thanksgiving: Give thanks to the King for his gracious invitation to the lavish ceremony. Never cease to give thanks. Always give thanks to the King. It’s an expression of your never ending love and gratitude to him.
- 6. Commune: Be a part of the community of believers who have accepted the invitation. You will have a sense of connection. Also you will grow and develop as you all continue on kingdom mission and prepare to attend the wedding ceremony.
- 7. Receive the Kingdom: The kingdom is God’s rule in your life. All his resources are available to you with his rule. You begin now to enjoy all his abundance now and continuing forever. For “it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom” (Lk. 12:32).
1 Astonishing Massive Simple Uninvite: Conclusion
1 Astonishing Massive Simple Uninvite looks at the great uninvite. It is the place and event that was not prepared for you, and to which you are not invited. However Jesus cautions that many will choose this path because its easy with many allurements.
Jesus used a parable to illustrate the realities of the Kingdom of God. And informs that you have a choice to make. This is whether or not you will accept the invite from the heavenly King to the wedding ceremony or continue on the path to separation and a fiery end.
1 Astonishing Massive Simple Uninvite looks at the life of Moses as an example. He made a choice to reject temporary wealth and pleasures. Instead to identify with God’s people for an eternal destiny with Christ.
All people are invited to the wedding ceremony. No one is excluded. The criteria that only favors the rich and powerful in this world does not originate from the heavenly King but from the world.
The How To list shows you how to receive the invitation. When you do, you become royalty. And we practice the “royal law” of love. Then you begin to enjoy the lavish ceremony prepared for you now and eternally.